Incident Cessna 210N Centurion II PT-LXQ,
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ASN Wikibase Occurrence # 387972
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Date:Wednesday 15 May 2024
Type:Silhouette image of generic C210 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Cessna 210N Centurion II
Registration: PT-LXQ
MSN: 21064668
Year of manufacture:1982
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 5
Aircraft damage: None
Location:Rodovia GO-080, between Damolândia and Nerópolis, GO -   Brazil
Phase: En route
Departure airport:
Destination airport:
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
A Cessna 210N Centurion II experienced an engine failure and made an emergency landing on Highway GO-080, between Damolândia and Nerópolis, in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia, Goiás
The five occupants were not injured and the aircraft was not damaged.

Sources: (photo)

History of this aircraft

Ex N94RC




Um avião de pequeno porte fez um pouso forçado na Go 080, próximo ao trevo de Damolândia. Equipes da Polícia Militar Rodoviária e do Corpo de Bombeiros de Nerópolis foram acionados e ao chegarem no local encontraram cinco pessoas sem ferimentos. Créditos Jornal Sol Nascente

♬ som original - Folha de Jaraguá

Revision history:

16-May-2024 06:29 cleberjc Added
16-May-2024 06:29 ASN Updated [Aircraft type]
16-May-2024 07:45 toni47 Updated [Aircraft type]
16-May-2024 07:47 vasilf Updated [Aircraft type, Cn, Source, Embed code]
16-May-2024 07:54 vasilf Updated [Registration]
16-May-2024 07:59 vasilf Updated [Operator]
16-May-2024 09:38 RobertMB Updated [Location, Nature, Source, Damage, Narrative, Category]

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