Incident de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito NF Mk XIII MM567,
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ASN Wikibase Occurrence # 189546
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Date:Friday 2 March 1945
Type:Silhouette image of generic MOSQ model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito NF Mk XIII
Owner/operator:409 (Nighthawk) Sqn RCAF
Registration: MM567
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Aircraft damage: Minor
Location:Advanced Landing Ground B.51 Lille/Vendeville, Nord. -   France
Phase: Landing
Departure airport:B.51 Lille/Vendeville, Nord (F)
Destination airport:B.51 Lille/Vendeville
Mosquito MM567/E: Took off at 23:00 hrs. for Night patrol. 02/03/1945
Returned early with aircraft u/s. Landing at 23:45 hrs
F/O (J/17594) L.M. JONES (pilot) RCAF - Ok
P/O (J/92765) William D. KING (nav.) RCAF - Ok


2.ORB 409 Sqdn RCAF

History of this aircraft

Other occurrences involving this aircraft
23 June 1945 MM567 409 (Nighthawk) Sqn RCAF 3 near Advanced Landing Ground B.106 Twente /Enschede, Overijssel. w/o

Revision history:

25-Aug-2016 15:01 Nepa Added
19-Oct-2019 10:40 Nepa Updated [Other fatalities, Narrative, Operator]
11-Sep-2021 09:49 Nepa Updated [Aircraft type, Source, Narrative, Operator]
23-Dec-2021 22:11 Nepa Updated [Cn, Narrative, Operator]
23-Dec-2021 22:12 Nepa Updated [Other fatalities, Operator]
23-Dec-2021 23:30 Nepa Updated [Narrative, Operator]
23-Dec-2021 23:31 Nepa Updated [Operator]

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