Incident Lockheed/Kawasaki P-3C Orion 5081,
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ASN Wikibase Occurrence # 387731
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Date:Wednesday 8 May 2024
Time:16:15 LT
Type:Silhouette image of generic P3 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Lockheed/Kawasaki P-3C Orion
Owner/operator:Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
Registration: 5081
MSN: 9078
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 12
Aircraft damage: Unknown
Location:Shimofusa Air Base (RJTL) -   Japan
Phase: Landing
Departure airport:
Destination airport:Shimofusa Airport (RJTL)
A P-3C of Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF), operating a training flight, suffered runway excursion at Shimofusa Air Base. The Orion first veered off the unway 01 (2250 m long) to the left slightly, rotating 90 degrees to the right to cross over the runway and stuck on the grass. No reported injuries. No fire. A video of the scene shows that the nose gear seems to be retracted. Four propellers shaved the surface of the grass and soil at the point of rest.
On 28th May, JMSDF issued an interim accident report. The cause of the accident was trainee's failed landing followed by trainer's wrong take over maneuver.


Revision history:

08-May-2024 11:28 isamuel Added
08-May-2024 13:46 isamuel Updated [Time, Aircraft type, Registration, Cn, Total fatalities, Total occupants, Phase, Nature, Destination airport, Source, Narrative]
28-May-2024 06:34 isamuel Updated [Source, Narrative]

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