Incident DJI Mavic 3 LN-0203CM,
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ASN Wikibase Occurrence # 387948
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Date:Friday 26 August 2022
Type:DJI Mavic 3
Owner/operator:TV 2 Luftfoto
Registration: LN-0203CM
MSN: 1581F45TB21AQ1BE00
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 0
Aircraft damage: Minor
Location:Bergen -   Norway
Phase: Initial climb
Departure airport:
Destination airport:
Investigating agency: NSIA
Confidence Rating: Accident investigation report completed and information captured
During training for a commercial flight for TV 2 Luftfoto with a Mavic 3 drone the pilot was testing the conditions for the upcoming coverage of the triathlon World championship in Bergen.

Shortly after take-off the drone stopped responding to stick commands from the drone pilot. It flew at high speed towards a building and crashed through a third-floor window. A person who was in the room at the time suffered minor injuries.

The NSIA has discussed a few possible scenarios, including signal blockage, that can cause a drone to stop responding to stick commands from the drone pilot. The most likely scenario is that the incident occurred because a function of the drone unintentionally took control of the flight.

After the accident, the NSIA has found it challenging to obtain assistance from the drone manufacturer DJI to decrypt and analyse the flight record and to answer our technical questions. It took ten months for the NSIA to receive the manufacturer’s analysis of the sequence of events. Although DJI have answered questions during the investigation some questions remain unanswered. The NSIA is also aware of two other investigations, in Great Britain and in the Netherlands, where the investigating authorities have found it difficult to obtain information from the manufacturer. After these investigations DJI received two safety recommendations to improve their process for cooperation with safety investigators.

The investigation has shown that there is no authority with a mandate to force a manufacturer of drones placed onto the European marked with a CE-declaration to support safety investigations. Given that the Safety Investigation Authorities is not supported there appears to be no other body capable of performing detailed technical review of DJI unmanned aircraft systems.

Accident investigation:
Investigating agency: NSIA
Report number: 2024/04
Status: Investigation completed
Duration: 1 year and 8 months
Download report: Final report



Revision history:

15-May-2024 09:11 ASN Added

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